Music Together® classes

What are the classes like?
Music Together is an eight or ten weekly, 45-minute classes which include songs, rhythmic rhymes, movement and instrument play. It is an informal, non-performance-oriented musical experiment which supports everyone's unique learning styles, developmental levels, to create a sense of musical community.
You and your child will have an opportunity to create and improvise, move and share musical experience from home.
I can't sing or dance. Is that okay?
YES! Remember, you are the rock star in your child's eyes. Regardless of your musical ability, your participation will help your child find the love for music. We provide a safe space for experimentation and to be silly. Once you're comfortable, feel free to join and feel closer to your child through play.

Music Together for Expecting Parents
As a mother or father-to-be, it’s nice to know that your baby will be truly responsive to music even before they’re born. Because they begin to hear and respond to sound in the womb, most babies’ sense of hearing is well developed at birth, and they are already alert to musical sounds—especially the voice of a parent singing! Just as your baby will be ready to learn language, they will be equally prepared to learn music.
Soon after birth, your baby may cry, giggle, coo, and squeal with excitement—all of which help prepare them for expressing themselves musically someday. They’re receptive to music, too. Studies show that babies perceive differences in loudness and melody, respond to tempo changes, and sense when a song is ending. They often move physically when music starts or stops and may show a startle response when the music ends—even in their sleep.

Music Together Mixed Ages
Music Together was the first early childhood music program to offer music classes for mixed ages. Child development researchers have known for a long time that the natural, family-style environment of mixed-age classes is the best way for young children to learn. In our experience, it works! In Mixed-Age classes, the older children love to show what they know, and the younger ones love to watch and imitate. The relaxed, no-pressure environment lets all kids learn at their own pace.

Music Together Babies Only
In the Music Together Babies class, for infants from birth through 8 months, you'll learn a lot of fun musical activities for babies. You'll also learn to recognize which of your baby's behaviors are musical so that you can support their development at the time when your baby's brain is at its most receptive.
Singing and dancing with your baby is a beautiful way for the two of you to bond. And making music with other parents of newborns is a great way to make new friends in your community who are as sleep deprived as you!

Demo classes
You are not sure if Music Together is right for you and your child? No problem!
Join us for a demo class and discover the fun!
Demo classes will be offered prior to registration each semester.
Parents will have to enroll their children to secure a spot in the demo class.
Contact us to try a class. All demo classes are free.

How should we use the Music Together materials?
Play your songs at home and in the car frequently, especially during the first few weeks of class. Make the music available for your child to listen to while she is playing or before nap or bedtime.
Create your Family Music Zone® account and download the Hello Everybody app for digital versions of the songs and more activity ideas to try!
Use the songbook to help you learn the songs and get new ideas for musical ideas to use at home. The music notation can be found in the Family Music Zone, if you play an instrument and want to play along.